East Windsor Generation Facility Expansion

Ontario, Canada


In Development

Proposed Capacity



Natural Gas
In Development
Proposed Capacity



Natural Gas

Responding to the need for more power generation capacity in Ontario, Capital Power is proposing the East Windsor Generation Facility Expansion. The facility would help address the projected generation shortfall in the Windsor-Essex area that could occur as early as 2025 and support economic growth objectives in the region.

The project would consist of a simple-cycle gas turbine generator capable of generating approximately 100 megawatts (MW). The project would be located adjacent to the existing East Windsor Cogeneration Centre (EWCC) on a parcel of land owned by Capital Power.

Notice of Completion

Capital Power has completed an environmental review to assess the potential environmental effects of the East Windsor Generation Facility Expansion project. The Environmental Review Report (ERR) is now available for public review and comment for 30-calendar days from July 5 to August 6, 2024. The ERR and Notice of Completion are below.

Comments and questions are welcome by conversation or in writing:

Lawrence Nasen, Senior Specialist, Environment
Address: 224 Cadillac Street, Windsor, ON  N8Y 2S7
Phone: 1-855-703-5005
Fax: 780-392-5927
Email: [email protected]

Designed to operate as a peaking facility, the project would provide dependable capacity at times when other generation sources (wind, solar, base-load generation) are not capable of meeting demand.

The facility would operate under contract to Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), which would determine when it would run based on the need for electricity.


The IESO has identified a significant need for new power supply in the province. This need is driven by 1) increasing demand due to expanding electrification and increasing business investment in the province, 2) refurbishment of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station and the refurbishment schedules at the Bruce and Darlington nuclear facilities, and 3) expiring IESO contracts. To address the projected shortfall, the IESO has identified that Ontario requires an additional 4,000 MW of new power supply between 2025 and 2027.

While the need for new capacity is clear at the system wide level, the IESO has also identified several regions of the province with particularly pressing needs for new power supply. The Windsor-Essex area, representing the region west of London including the City of Windsor, is one of these regions, with the IESO forecast suggesting local demand will outstrip capacity as early as 2025.


The project is proposed immediately west of the existing EWCC facility, within the property owned by Capital Power, municipally referred to as 224 Cadillac Street (42.3257, -83.0014), City of Windsor. View map.

Project Details

The project would be located at 224 Cadillac Street, immediately adjacent to the existing EWCC on a section of land currently used for site access, parking, and storage.

The project includes these and other components:

  • Simple cycle gas turbine generator and auxiliary equipment (gas compressor, exhaust stack, power distribution, air-cooled heat exchanger, etc.)
  • A building for the power generation equipment and to mitigate noise
  • A transformer to connect to the power grid
  • A stormwater management system, including an underground
  • stormwater tank
  • A storage building
  • Landscaping improvements

The project would make use of some existing infrastructure, including tying into the existing EWCC high-voltage interconnection line to avoid the need for a new connection to the provincial electricity grid.

The buildings have been designed to be consistent with the architectural character of the surrounding neighbourhood, and to ensure the facility is compliant with provincial noise regulations.

Anticipated Schedule

Environmental studies and regulatory approvals

  • 2023-2024

Activities below are pending regulatory approval

Construction Start

  • Early 2025

Delivery and installation of project components

  • 2025-2026

Commercial operation target

  • Mid-2026

Regulatory process

Capital Power is currently completing the Environmental Screening Process for Electricity Projects (ESP) in accordance with Ontario Regulation 50/24 under the Environmental Assessment Act and as outlined in the Guide to Environmental Assessment Requirements for Electricity Projects (2024).

The ESP has two tiers of assessment: the Screening Stage, which can be based primarily on existing or readily available information, and the Environmental Review Stage, where additional work programs, studies and consultation are undertaken to assess environmental effects and/or address unresolved concerns and issues. Capital Power has voluntarily undertaken the Environmental Review Stage of the ESP for this Project.

Project engineering and design, technical studies and engagement with provincial ministries, the City of Windsor, Indigenous communities, and local residents have been ongoing throughout 2023 and early 2024. The assessments we are undertaking for the Environmental Review consider the potential effects of the project, and identifies any required mitigation or monitoring, on the following:

  • Stormwater Management
  • Groundwater
  • Land Use
  • Air Quality
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Noise & Vibration
  • Natural Environment (Ecology)
  • Socio-Economic Environment
  • Heritage Buildings and Landscapes
  • Archaeological Resources
  • Human Health Risk
  • Climate Change Resilience

Preliminary results of these assessments will be shared at our Open House on May 1, 2024. The project team will then incorporate feedback and finalize the Environmental Review Report, which will be issued for public review and available on Capital Power’s website.

Public Engagement

We value and consider local community interests and priorities. We engage government, local communities, investors, shareholders, and Indigenous communities. Please contact us if you have any questions, comments and/or want to be added to the project mailing list.

Site Contact

Phone: 1-855-703-5005
Email: [email protected]

Environmental Review Report