Capital Power in the Community: Stakeholder Meetings & Tours in North Carolina
On February 7-8, 2019, Jon Sohn, Director Government Relations (US), led stakeholder meetings and tours at Capital Power’s Roxboro and Southport Power Plants in North Carolina. The events engaged local and state government officials, and economic development leaders, to strengthen our partnerships with them and highlight key innovations at our North Carolina operations. Officials were educated on the full lifecycle of plant operations, including fuel supply delivery, internal plant mechanics and control room monitoring systems, and the significant economic benefits the plants provide to each community
Roxboro Power Plant

On February 7, the tour focused on the Roxboro Power Plant. Representatives from the Person County Economic Development Commission and state government officials, including Representative Larry Yarborough, North Carolina House, and Senator Mike Woodard, North Carolina Senate, joined the tour.
Southport Power Plant

On February 8, the Southport Power Plant was featured. Representatives from the city of Southport, including Mayor J.V. Dove, Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce, Brunswick County, Brunswick Business & Industry Development, and Pioneer Strategies joined the tour. Representative Frank Iler, North Carolina House, also joined the tour.
About our facilities
Located in North Carolina, both the Roxboro Power Plant (46 MW) and the Southport Power Plant (88 MW) use solid fuels (wood residuals, tire-derived fuel, coal) as their fuel source. Wood waste is an abundant by-product fuel produced by North Carolina’s extensive forestry-related industries. Tire-derived fuel is the product of chipping waste tires for fuel. Significant investments in equipment to allow the facilities to burn alternate fuels has reduced coal usage by 90%. Learn more about these facilities: