September 06, 2023

Genesee: The Heart of Alberta’s Decarbonized Future

Located west of Edmonton, Capital Power’s Genesee Generating Station has provided reliable baseload generation for decades. Today, the facility is undergoing a $1.35 billion transformation to move off coal and utilize best-in-class natural gas technology. This project will be followed by carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) investments to further reduce emissions and optimize the facility to continue to provide flexible, dispatchable power for decades to come.

Watch the video below to learn how we’re transforming Genesee into a near-zero emitting source of reliable energy and system support services for Alberta’s grid!

In summer 2023, Capital Power provided updated costs and schedule for the Genesee Repowering project. As a result of the updated schedule, we expect to continue blending natural gas with coal to align with the commissioning of the repowered units in 2024, ensuring reliability and capacity of the grid.