York – Battery Energy Storage System

Ontario, Canada


In Development

Proposed Capacity



In Development
Proposed Capacity



Capital Power is proposing a battery energy storage system (BESS) installation of up to 120 megawatts (MW) of power storage, with electrical energy output for up to four-hours. The project would be located on a parcel of land which is owned by an affiliate of Capital Power and adjacent to the existing York Energy Centre (YEC).

The BESS will be used to support grid reliability. It will be charged during times when there is surplus electricity available on the provincial power grid (generally during off-peak hours) and will discharge energy to the grid during peak hours or when there may be a disruption in system supply. The proposed BESS will help meet increasing local and provincial electricity demands by providing critical backup generation support, thereby better enabling both a reliable supply of electricity and flexibility in support of intermittent renewable energy sources (i.e., solar and wind).

BESS systems are non-emitting technologies. The proposed BESS project will operate independently from the existing YEC.

Public Community Meeting – Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A virtual public community meeting was held on the project on June 20, 2023. Click here to see presentation given at this meeting.

View Presentation


The Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has identified a significant need for new power supply in the province. At the system level, the IESO is projecting an increasing deficit of generation capacity starting in 2025.

The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is a high priority for the IESO. As a result of this forecasted regional and system wide shortfall, the IESO launched the Expedited Long-Term Request for Proposal (E-LT1 RFP) process which has now procured approximately 1,500 MW of capacity from new and existing facilities across Ontario.

In 2023, Capital Power’s York BESS project was selected and Capital Power executed a power purchase agreement with the IESO. Learn more.


The BESS is proposed north of the existing YEC facility, on a separate parcel of land owned by Capital Power, municipally referred to as 18815 Dufferin Street (44.0761, -79.5316), Township of King, Regional Municipality of York.

The Project will encompass an area approximately 1.5 hectares (4 acres) in size and is proposed within the mowed field used for the previous YEC construction/storage laydown area at the back of the property.

Project details

The BESS will consist of interconnected, weather-proof enclosures containing numerous modular lithium-ion batteries that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The BESS enclosures are similar in size to shipping containers, approximately 9 metres (m) long, 2 m wide, and 3 m tall. Each BESS enclosure is fully sealed, centrally controlled, and equipped with temperature monitoring and regulating instrumentation. Each enclosure has its own heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system containing refrigerant and coolant for thermal management.

The BESS modules are paired with medium voltage step-up transformers to allow for integration with other electrical components. Transformers will be placed adjacent to the BESS modules.

The project layout is provided and described further below.

The BESS site will be accessed via the existing YEC entrance off Dufferin Street. The construction phase will be approximately one year in duration, and will include site preparation, foundation and laneway construction, component delivery and installation, including crane(s) required for placement of the BESS enclosures onto their dedicated foundations, and post-construction site restoration of temporary construction areas.

Temporary construction storage and equipment laydown areas that would be temporarily graveled will be located within the northern parcel where the BESS would be sited and/or the existing YEC property.

Subject to obtaining all necessary applicable permits and approvals, construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in late summer / early fall 2024.


Regulatory process

Various permitting and approval processes will be completed before the project can proceed. The Class Environmental Assessment for Minor Transmission Facilities process was completed in February 2024, and Capital Power is currently completing municipal requirements and provincial approvals related to noise and stormwater.

Consultation and engagement

We value and consider local community interests and priorities. We engage government, employees, local communities, investors, shareholders, and Indigenous communities. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments or want to be added to the project mailing list.

Project Contact